
Copy Protection and License Control for Software, Video and Content

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Protect Content, Video and Software for USB, CD/DVD and download

On CD, DVD, BD, USB-Stick/USB Flash Drive, in local networks or via the Internet - we have the best solution for protecting virtually any kind of software, video or content/data.

For CD, DVD, USB stick/Flash drive or Download

Protect Software enables you to protect virtually any means of distribution.

Do it yourself or work with partners

You can implement Protect Software solutions yourself by signing up  or let one of our partners do this for you.

We work with virtually all services in more than 50 countries.

Your service doesn't know us yet? No problem. He can contact us  and get going within 24 hours.

What our customers say

Independent software vendor

We copy protect our DVDs and could increase sales by a factor of three. Amazing!

Medical education company

Our content is delivered on CDs/DVDs and USBs sticks. Prior we had no solution for copy protection and now we do. Really makes a difference.

Parts catalog vendor

We now offer online in addition to physical solutions and suddenly have a worldwide market. Our sales increased 50%. We should have done that earlier!